ABSTRACT. A monoid M is known to be abelian iff its multiplication M X M -► M is a homomorphism. We prove the corresponding result for homotopyeverything //-spaces, e.g. infinite loop spaces: For a homotopy-everything Hspace X each n-ary operation Xn -* X is a homotopy homomorphism, i.e. a homomorphism up to homotopy and all higher coherence conditions.In [1] and [2] J. M. Boardman and I proved that an //-space X is an infinite loop space iff its multiplication enjoys nice properties concerning associativity and commutativity. These properties were described in terms of universal algebra, and the necessary and sufficient condition for X to be an infinite loop space essentially boils down to the fact that the morphism spaces £(n, 1) of the PROP £ encoding the //-structure of X be contractible (for the definition of a PROP see [2, Definition 2.44]). Dropping all unnecessary structure of a PROP, P. May in [4] introduced the simpler notion of an operad and obtained the corresponding result on infinite loop space structures more directly. Using his terminology we call £ and fi^-PROP if each £(n, 1) is contractible and E-free if the operation of the symmetric group 2n on £(n, 1) makes £ (n, 1) a numerable principal En-space. An .Eoe-space X is an //-space whose structure is given by an action of an /Tqo-PROP on X.Let £ be an .Eoo-PROP and X an ¿"-space. There is a canonical product action of £ on the fc-fold product Xk. Each element xE £(k, 1) defines a map x '-Xk -» X.It is the purpose of this note to show THEOREM. Suppose £ isa E-free E^-PROP or each £(n, 1) is Zn-equivariantly contractible. Letx E £(k, 1) andX be an £-space. Thenx'-Xk -► X can be extended to a homotopy £-map in the sense of [2, Definition 4.2].T. Lada tried in [3] to prove a result of this kind but only succeeded in the case k = 2 and £ = Q, the little cubes PROP of [2,2.49]. His proof is given by a number of explicit formulas depending on the geometry of the spaces of little cubes. Our proof of the theorem is an easy consequence of the theory of [1] and [2]. We use