Let V (0) be the mod 2 Moore spectrum and let C be the supersingular elliptic curve over F 4 defined by the Weierstrass equation y 2 +y = x 3 . Let F C be its formal group law and E C be the spectrum classifying the deformations of F C . The group of automorphisms of F C , which we denote by S C , acts on E C . Further, S C admits a surjective homomorphism to Z 2 whose kernel we denote by S 1 C . The cohomology of S 1 C with coefficients in (E C ) * V (0) is the E 2 -term of a spectral sequence converging to the homotopy groups of E hS 1. In this paper, we use the algebraic duality resolution spectral sequence to compute an associated graded for H * (S 1 C ; (E C ) * V (0)). These computations rely heavily on the geometry of elliptic curves made available to us at chromatic level 2.