Let A be a unital separable simple amenable C * -algebra with finite tracial rank which satisfies the Universal Coefficient Theorem (UCT). Suppose α and β are two automorphisms with the Rokhlin property that induce the same action on the K-theoretical data of A. We show that α and β are strongly outer conjugate and uniformly approximately conjugate, that is, there exists a sequence of unitaries {u n } ⊂ A and a sequence of strongly asymptotically inner automorphisms σ n such that α = Ad u n • σ n • β • σ −1 n and lim n→∞ u n − 1 = 0, and that the converse holds. We then give a K-theoretic description as to exactly when α and β are outer conjugate, at least under a mild restriction. Moreover, we show that given any K-theoretical data, there exists an automorphism α with the Rokhlin property which has the same K-theoretical data.