Abstract. In this short note we provide a review of some developments in the area of homotopy quantum field theories, loosely based on a talk given by the second author at the Xth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics.
Homotopy Quantum Field TheoriesHomotopy quantum field theories were invented by Turaev [10], though the idea goes back to Segal's discussion of the possible geometry underlying elliptic cohomology [7]. Segal's construction is a generalisation of his definition of conformal field theory to the situation where one has a target or background space X. He assigns a topological vector space E(γ) to each collection of loops γ in a space X and a trace-class map E(σ) : E(γ) → E(γ ′ ) to each Riemann surface Σ equipped with a map σ : Σ → X agreeing with γ op ⊔ γ ′ on the boundary. The assignment is multiplicative in the sense that E(γ 1 ⊔ γ 2 ) is isomorphic to E(γ 1 ) ⊗ E(γ 2 ). The result can be thought of as a kind of infinite dimensional bundle on the free loop space of X, together with a generalised connection which describes "parallel transport" along surfaces.