This article, dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of I. R. Shafarevich, is
a survey of techniques of homotopical algebra, applied to the problem of
distribution of rational points on algebraic varieties.
We due to I. R. Shafarevich, jointly with J. Tate, one of the breakthrough
discoveries in this domain: construction of the so-called
Shafarevich-Tate groups and the
related obstructions to the existence of rational points. Later it evolved
into the theory of Brauer-Manin obstructions.
Here we focus on some facets of the later developments in Diophantine
geometry: the study of the distribution of rational points on them.
More precisely, we show how the definition of accumulating subvarieties, based
upon counting the number of points whose height is bounded by varying $H$,
can be encoded by a special class of categories
in such a way
that the arithmetical invariants of varieties are translated into homotopical
invariants of objects and morphisms of these categories.
The central role in this study is played by the structure of an assembler
(I. Zakharevich) in general, and a very particular case of it, an assembler on the family of unions of
half-open intervals $(a,b]$ with rational ends.