This study evaluated self-compassion, hope and resilience in high school students using a mediation model. The study has two main objectives. The first one is to determine whether these variables differ according to gender. The second objective involves the evaluation of a theoretical model that reveals the mediating effect of hope in the link between self-compassion and resilience. The study included a total of 730 students (16.00±1.02 years old), 426 female and 304 male participants. Difference statistics were analyzed using Independent Sample t-test. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that the mean scores of self-compassion and psychological resilience of male students were higher than female students. However, it was found that participants' hope scores did not differ based on gender. Mediation analysis was conducted using regression-based bootstrapping. In the mediation analysis, direct effects revealed that self-compassion significantly predicted hope and resilience, and hope significantly predicted resilience. When the indirect effect was examined, it was observed that the path coefficient between self-compassion and psychological resilience decreased significantly with the inclusion of hope as a mediator variable. Therefore, it was concluded that hope partially mediates the relationship between psychological resilience and self-compassion.