We report a systematic investigation of complex asymptotic states reached in the electromigration-driven morphological evolution of void surfaces in thin films of face-centered cubic metals with ͗110͘-and ͗100͘-oriented film planes under the simultaneous action of biaxial tension. The analysis is based on selfconsistent dynamical simulations according to a realistic, well-validated, and fully nonlinear model. For ͗110͘-oriented film planes, we show that upon increasing the applied mechanical stress level, morphologically stable steady states transition to time-periodic states through a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. Further increase in the stress level triggers a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations that sets the driven nonlinear system on a route to chaos. For ͗100͘-oriented film planes, a transition from steady to time-periodic states also is found to occur at a critical stress level; in this case, the corresponding Hopf bifurcation is supercritical and the nonlinear system is not set on a route to chaos.