The mobility of polystyrene nanoparticles ranging in diameter from 300 nm to 2 μm was measured in dilute and semidilute solutions of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide. In this model system, the ratio of particle to polymer size controls the long-time diffusivity of nanoparticles. The particle dynamics transition from subdiffusive on short time scales to Fickian on long time scales, qualitatively similar to predictions for polymer dynamics using a Rouse model. The diffusivities extracted from the long-time Fickian regime, however, are larger than those predicted by the Stokes−Einstein equation and the bulk zero-shear viscosity and moreover do not collapse according to hydrodynamic models. The sizedependent deviations of the long-time particle diffusivities derive instead from the coupling between the dynamics of the particle and the polymer over the length scale of the particle. Although the long-time diffusivities collapse according to predictions, deviations of the short-time scaling exponents and the crossover time between subdiffusive and Fickian dynamics indicate that the particles are only partially coupled to the relaxation modes of the polymer.T ransport of nanoparticles through non-Newtonian media affects applications ranging from targeted drug delivery 1,2 to oil recovery 3,4 to nanocomposite materials. 5,6 In a homogeneous medium of viscosity η, the diffusivity of a particle with radius R NP is given by the Stokes−Einstein (SE) equation D SE = k B T/6πηR NP . As particle size approaches characteristic length scales in the medium, the continuum assumption underlying the SE relation no longer holds, and deviations from SE predictions appear. 7−10 Attempts to explain these deviations in mixtures of polymers and particles have focused on identifying the length scale that controls particle diffusion.In entangled polymer systems, the length scale controlling particle diffusion is the distance between entanglements. The diffusion of nanoparticles smaller than the entanglement mesh is unaffected by entanglement dynamics, but for larger particles diffusion is dictated by polymer reptation until SE behavior is recovered. 11−14 In unentangled systems, however, different physics must control nanoparticle diffusion. Hydrodynamic models treat the polymer solution as a homogeneous medium in which hydrodynamic interactions are screened over the correlation length between polymer chains ξ. 10,15,16 Scaling models describe the particle mobility in terms of the polymer dynamics, 13,17,18 which are set by the characteristic length scales ξ and the polymer radius of gyration R g . Identifying the relevant physics requires model systems that are compatible with a wide range of particle sizes and span the transition from dilute to semidilute regimes in unentangled solutions. In polyelectrolyte solutions, topological entanglements appear at concentrations orders of magnitude above c*, 19,20 enabling investigations of nanoparticle dynamics across a wide and previously inaccessible range of semidilute concentrations in the abs...