The role of cortisol on the osmoregulation of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis at different salinities was investigated in adult fish injected with 0.7mg hydrocortisone per 100g body weight of fish, and transferred to 0, 5 and 20ppt of NaCl. Blood cortisol was 566ng/ml at the beginning of the experiment (0h) but surged to 1250ng/ml within 3h in cortisol-injected fish. Cortisol levels were influenced not only by treatment but also by time, being higher at 3h compared to 24h. Salinity level, time of exposure and their interaction, but not cortisol treatment, significantly affected plasma osmolality and the concentration of ions Cl -and Na + . This study showed that exogenous cortisol does not seem to play a significant role on the regulation of plasma osmolality and concentration of individual ions in pejerrey.Keywords: pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis, cortisol, osmoregulation, salinity
Investigou-se a participação do cortisol na osmoregulação de peixe-rei