Recent Weld studies on the reproductive ecology of western diamond-backed rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox) from populations in southern Ari typically inaccessible, but in southern Arizona, where environmental conditions are typically mild during winter, adult males frequently bask at or near the entrances of communal dens. Basking activity, therefore, oVers a unique logistical opportunity to assess the complete annual proWle of plasma sex steroid levels in males of a temperate reptile in nature. From November to February, we measured levels of plasma T, DHT, and E2 in adult male C. atrox that were located basking at communal dens. Additionally, cloacal, core body, and ambient air temperatures were obtained to investigate potential relationships between body temperatures and levels of sex steroids. Mean levels of T, DHT, and E2 were rela tively high, and the concentration hierarchy was T > DHT > E2. Mean levels of T, DHT, and E2 showed no signiWcant variation across the four months of sampling; however, E2 levels decreased progressively. In the annul cycle, sex steroid levels during winter were not basal when com pared to values obtained during the active season. Mean cloacal temperatures of basking males were signiWcantly higher than core body tem peratures of non-basking males (inside dens) from November-December, and in February, which suggests that one function of winter basking is to elevate body temperatures. Steroid levels, nonetheless, were not signiWcantly correlated with cloacal temperatures. We suggest that future Weld studies of male C. atrox should: (a) investigate sex steroid levels in non-basking individuals and (b) test whether elevated levels of sex ste roids during winter facilitate the large increases that occur in early spring, which are coincident with the second mating season. Our Wndings on the reproductive biology of C. atrox and other viperids are discussed in the context of the associated-dissociated model of reproduction.