A vasopressin-sensitive mechanism within the medial preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (MPOA-AH) appears to be essential for expression of a complex behavior involved in olfactory communication in Golden hamsters called flank marking. The present study investigated whether the induction of flank marking by arginine-vasopressin (AVP) within the MPOA-AH is mediated by a receptor that is more similar to the vasopressor (Vl) or the antidiurectic (V2) AVP receptor. Adult male hamsters were anesthetized and implanted with a 26 gauge guide cannula stereotaxically aimed at the MPOA-AH and then microinjected with analogs of vasopressin, oxytocin, and selective Vl and V2 antagonists. Hamsters were tested for flank-marking behavior during a 5 or 10 min observation period following the injection of peptlde in a vehicle of 100 nl of saline. None of the 15 analogs of AVP and oxytocin produced more flank marking than the 50.8 + 16.2 and 76.8 f 4.4 (mean f SEW, II = 4) flank marks observed following injection of AVP at the 1 or 10 ng dose, respectively. The number of flank marks produced by each analog was found to be highly related to the pressor activity of that analog at both the 1 ng (p = +0.74, p < 0.01) and 10 ng (p = +0.82, p < 0.01) doses. In contrast, no statistically reliable relationship between flank marking and the antidiuretic activity of these analogs was found at either dose (1 ng: p = +O.O7,p > 0.05; 10 ng: p = +O.lO,p > 0.05). In a second series of studies, microinjection of 2 different Vl antagonists into the MPOA-AH significantly (p < 0.005) inhibited flank marking in response to AVP. However, microinjection of a V2 antagonist or saline did not inhibit flank marking. These data indicate that the receptors mediating the induction of 'flank marking within the MPOA-AH are more similiar to Vl (pressor) receptors than to V2 (antidiuretic) receptors.
Scent marking is a major form of communication in mammals.Odors deposited in the environment can serve a variety of social functions from attracting mates to repelling competitors (Yahr, 1984). In the Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), one form of scent marking, termed flank gland marking, is accomplished by rubbing a dorsal flank gland against vertical objects in the environment. Flank gland marking is commonly observed in both male and female hamsters and can be elicited by the odors of other hamsters and aggression during social encounters (Johnston, 1975).Several lines of evidence now indicate that neurons within the medial preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (MPOA-AH) Received Dec. 2, 1985; revised Jan. 20, 1986; accepted Jan. 22, 1986. We wish to thank Professor Maurice Manning for providing several vasopressin analogs and for his comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by NIH Grants (to H.E.A.) and HD-18022 (to C.F.F. are critical for the expression of scent marking behavior. Lesions that destroy the MPOA-AH severely reduce scent-marking behavior in several mammalian species (Hart, 1974;Hart and Voith, 1978;Yahr, 1984). Implants of testoster...