Human red cell contain soluble adenosine-3', 5'-phosphate-dependent protein kinases, which are able to phosphorylate the L subunits of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase. Efficiency and maximum level of phosphorylation are very comparable in human liver and red cells. Phosphorylation of red cell pyruvate kinase results in the same kinetic modifications as for liver enzyme, namely a shift towards a 'T' allosteric state characterized by a decreased affinity for phosphoenolpyruvate and increased inhibition by the allosteric inhibitors ATP and alanine. In the course of red cell aging a small amount of partially proteolysed pyruvate kinase, devoid of the phosphorylatable site, appears; it resembles the subtilisin-treated L b enzyme and accounts for less than 20% of total pyruvate kinase subunits.Endogenous phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase from erythrocytes incubated in the presence of cyclic nucleotides produces the same kinetic modifications as phosphorylation in partially purified extract; this, however, does not change glucose consumption, lactate production and glycolytic intermediate concentrations of the incubated cells.Regulation of liver L-type pyruvate kinase by a phosphorylation mechanism has been intensively studied for several years. Ljungstrom et al. were the first to report that rat liver L-type pyruvate kinase can be phosphorylated by an adenosine-3',5'-phosphatedependent (cyclic-AMP-dependent) protein kinase [l]. Phosphorylation of pig-liver L-type enzyme has also been reported [2,3]. Glucagon induces phosphorylation of liver L-type pyruvate kinase in vivo through a cyclic-AMP-dependent mechanism [4-61. This phosphorylation of L-type pyruvate kinase causes important changes in the kinetics of the enzyme: decreased affinity for phosphoenolpyruvate, and increased inhibition by the allosteric effectors ATP and alanine [2,7-111. These kinetic modifications are expected to play an important physiological role in the dynamic balance between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis by blocking the pyruvate kinase reaction when gluconeogenesis is the predominant pathway, thus impairing a futile cycle between phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate.Ahhreviutzon. Cyclic AMP, adenosine 3',5'-phosphate.We have previously shown that human L-type pyruvate kinase seems to undergo, after its synthesis, a progressive proteolytic processing, which is different in liver and red cells. In these latter cells the Lb precursor (composed of four identical subunits of M , 63000) is partially proteolysed with red cell maturation and aging, and this gives rise to heterotetrameric forms composed of L and partially proteolysed subunits [12,13]. In liver the L-type pyruvate kinase consists almost entirely of a form composed of four identical subunits of M , about 60000 closely resembling trypsin-treated L-type subunits [12-141. We thus hypothesized that in liver the L subunits are immediately proteolysed by a specific proteolytic system after they have been synthesized. We [13] and other authors [15] proved that proteolytic processing of L-type pyruva...