We investigate experimentally the short-range interactions occurring between two subaqueous barchans. The experiments were conducted in a water channel of transparent material where controlled grains were poured inside, and a camera placed on the top acquired images of the bedforms. We varied the grain types (diameter, density, and roundness), pile masses, transverse distances, water flow rates, and initial conditions. As a result, five different patterns were identified for both aligned and off-centered configurations, and we propose interaction maps that depend basically on the ratio between the number of grains of each dune, Shields number, and alignment of barchans. In addition, we show experimental indications that an ejected barchan has roughly the same mass of the impacting one in some cases and that in wake-dominated processes the asymmetry of the downstream dune is large. The present results shed light on the size regulation of barchans found on Earth and other planets. Plain Language Summary Barchans are crescent-shaped dunes that are often organized in dune fields, where binary interactions and collisions play a significant role in regulating their dynamics and sizes. Barchan collisions are frequent in many environments, such as Earth's deserts and on the surface of Mars, but their large time scales (the decade and the millennium for aeolian and Martian collisions, respectively) compared to the aquatic case (of the order of the minute) make subaqueous barchans the ideal object of study. Taking advantage of that, we performed experiments in a water channel of transparent material, where pairs of barchans were transported by the water flow while a camera acquired images of them. We found five different types of barchan-barchan interaction and propose maps that provide a comprehensive classification for the short-range interactions of subaqueous barchans. In addition, we show that, in some cases, an ejected barchan has roughly the same mass of the impacting one and that the perturbation of the flow caused by the upstream barchan generates large asymmetries in the downstream one. Our results represent a significant step toward understanding the barcanoid forms and size regulation of barchans found in water, air, and other planetary environments.