Objective: To identify, in the literature, which are the non-conformities that lead a health institution not to be accredited.Method: This is an integrative review, carried out at the Virtual Health Library, using the following descriptors: Hospital Accreditation and Quality Management, with the Boolean operator AND, in the month of October 2019.
Results:The search returned 38 studies, but 10 articles were analyzed; the others were repeated, did not address the goal, and did not meet the inclusion criteria. An article was international and the others, Brazilian. The major non-conformities were related to adoption of patient safety; absence of a sector on quality health and training of employees.
Conclusion:This study is relevant not only to nursing but also to the entire multidisciplinary teams, in which everyone must be engaged in the accreditation process, since it contributes to professionals to seek the implementation of appropriate measures in order to be accredited, once failure reflects weaknesses in the accreditation process of health institutions.