Let Γ be a countable abelian group, let k ≥ 1, and let X = (X, X, µ, T ) be an ergodic Γ-system of order k in the sense of Host-Kra-Ziegler. The Γ-system X is said to be totally disconnected if all its structure groups are totally disconnected. We show that any totally disconnected Γ-system of order k is a generalized factor of a Z ω -system with the structure of a Weyl system. As a consequence of this structure theorem, we show that totally disconnected Γ-systems of order k are represented by translations on double cosets of nilpotent Polish groups. By a correspondence principle of two of us, we can use this representation to establish a (weak) inverse theorem for the U k Gowers uniformity norms on finite abelian groups of bounded torsion. This concept was denoted k + 1-divisibility in [52].