The present study was carried out during 2019 and 2020 seasons on Alphonse mango trees to evaluate the effect of some growth regulators and systemic copper complexes on floral malformation, yield and quality. Vegetative growth characters were superior with 200 NAA ppm and 100 ppm cofret. However, total chlorophyll, total carbohydrates and C/N ratio recorded the highest values with 200 ppm NAA. Macro elements N, P, K and Mg % were higher with GA3 at 100 ppm, whereas the highest values of micro elements Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu (ppm) were obtained with perfecto-one at 100 ppm. The number of total panicles/tree was increased with NAA 200 ppm and perfecto-one 100 ppm treatments than other treatments. The number and percent of malformed panicles/tree were significantly decreased with the applied treatments than in control.. An increasing in total indoles, total phenols and polyphenol oxidase activity were recorded with 200 ppm NAA and 100 ppm perfecto-one treatments than in others. Final fruit set% and the number of fruits /tree were increased with the treatments of 200 ppm NAA and 100 ppm perfecto-one. However, the highest values of fruit weight were recorded by GA3 and perfecto-one both at100 ppm treatments, whereas the highest yield/tree values were recorded by NAA 200 ppm and 100 ppm perfectoone. Finally, fruit quality involved TSS, acidity, L-ascorbic acid, total sugars and total carotenoids were greatly improved with the applied treatments than in control.