M aize (Zea mays L.) the highest yielding cereal crop worldwide, is of prime significance for countries in Pakistan, where the rapidly snowballing population has now outstripped the existing food deliveries. After rice and wheat, maize ranks as the 3 rd most significant cereal. Maize accounts for 4.8% of Abstract | Crops are prone to being attacked by various insect pests resulting in huge crop yield losses. Maize (Zea mays L.) the utmost yielding cereal crop worldwideis attacked by several insects, Chilopartellus(S) is the devastating one. The current study was conducted to probe the toxic effects of Chlorpyriphos 40 EC@500ml/ acre, Padan 3% G (Cartaphydorchloride) @ 9 kg/acre, Carbofuran 3% G@8kg/acre, Monomehypo 5% G@7kg/acreand Fipronil 0.3% G@8kg/acre against Chilopartellus(S.). Recommended dose rates of all the insecticides were applied. Results of mean percentcropinfestation showed that the highest infestation (40.51 %) was observed in the control plot while the lowermost (5.23 %) was recorded in Chlorpyriphos 40% EC treated plot, being the most effective among all. In the case of mean reduction data over control, the highest reduction in plant infestation (96.08%) and no of dead hearts (93.65%) was noticed inthecase of Chlorpyriphos 40% EC while the lowermost infestation reduction i.e. 55.12% was noted in case of Fipronil 0.3% G treated plots. Results of mean infestation values of C. partellus depicted that maximum mean infestation was 72.11% and 59.11%was noted in control during the peak population months, August and September. Results of population dynamics with abiotic conditions revealed that highest population i.e. 17.10% recorded at 42.1 ºC at 67.1 % relative humidity. Overall results concluded that the population of the C. partellus can be effectively controlled by the integration of Chlorpyriphos 40% EC into the Integrated Pest Management program.