Traps lured with semiochemical have been proposed to manage the coffee berry borer, coffee planting is however made under several environmental conditions that may affect the efficacy of traps. Several trap designs and variations were proposed and, therefore, a series of field experiments was carried out to capture coffee berry bores in traps disposed in a low density coffee plantations in the Northern part of the State of Paraná, Brazil. Traps were composed of plastic bottles (2 L) with a window (13 × 18 cm). Ethanol (E), Methanol (M) and coffee oil alone did not improve the capture when transparent traps with a 2 mm hole in the vial dispenser were used; traps lured with E : M mixtures (1:1, 1:2, 1:3) caught similar and higher number of insects than the control. There was synergism with the mixing of E and M; the addition of coffee oil to the mixtures did not improve the capture. Trap lured with E : M (1:1) mixtures at 342, 400, 428 and 710 mg caught similar numbers of insects. Transparent green trap, transparent trap and red trap lured with 642 mg day -1 of the E + M (1:1) mixture caught similar numbers of insects. Interaction between colors (transparent green, transparent and red) and semiochemical release rates (540, 720 and 1100 mg day -1 ) was observed. Transparent green trap, when lured with 720 mg day -1 of the 1 : 1 E : M mixture caught 2.3 and 4.4 times more insects than 540 and 1100 mg day -1 ; and caught 3.2 times more insects than transparent and red trap at the same release rates. Key words: semiochemical, attractant, volatile, trap color
CAPTURA DA BROCA-DO-CAFÉ, HYPOTHENEMUS HAMPEI (COLEOPTERA, SCOLYTIDAE), EM RESPOSTA A CARACTERÍSTICAS DE ARMADILHASRESUMO: Armadilhas iscadas com semioquímicos têm sido propostas para manejo da broca-docafé. O cafeeiro é cultivado em condições ambientais diversas que podem afetar a eficiência das armadilhas. Vários modelos de armadilha e variações nos modelos são utilizados. Uma série de experimentos de campo objetivou avaliar capturas da broca-do-café em armadilhas numa lavoura de café semi-adensado no Norte do Paraná. Uma garrafa plástica (2 L) com uma abertura (13 × 18 cm) constituiu a armadilha. O etanol (E), metanol (M) e óleo de café, sozinhos, não incrementaram as capturas quando se utilizaram armadilhas transparentes com um frasco difusor com furo de 2 mm; armadilhas iscadas com as misturas 1 : 1, 1 : 2 e 1 : 3 de etanol (E) + metanol (M) capturaram quantidades similares e superiores à testemunha; sinergismo ocorreu pela mistura de etanol e metanol; a adição do óleo de café às misturas não incrementou as capturas. Armadilhas com taxas de liberação da mistura E:M (1:1) de 342, 400, 428 e 710 mg dia -1 capturaram quantidades similares. Armadilhas verdes transparentes, transparentes e vermelhas, iscadas com E:M (1:1) (642 mg dia -1 ) capturaram quantidades similares. Foi observada interação entre as cores (verde transparente, transparente, vermelha) e taxas de liberação dos semioquímicos (540, 720 e 1100 mg dia -1 ). Armadilhas verdes transparentes,...