Streptococcus gordonii shows promise as a live mucosal vaccine vector for immunization against respiratory pathogens. In preparation for clinical trials to evaluate S. gordonii engineered to express group A streptococcal M protein antigens, we characterized the responses of 150 healthy volunteers to combined nasal and oral inoculation with approximately 1.5 ؋ 10 9 CFU of SP204(1-1), an S. gordonii strain not bearing vaccine antigens. SP204(1-1) was selected for resistance to streptomycin and 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine to distinguish it from indigenous flora. In two antibiotic treatment studies, we performed serial culturing of nose, mouth, and saliva samples from 120 subjects treated with azithromycin beginning 5 days after inoculation to determine whether SP204(1-1) could be rapidly eliminated should safety concerns arise. A natural history study was performed to assess the time until spontaneous eradication in the remaining 30 subjects, who did not receive the antibiotic and who were monitored with repeated culturing for 14 weeks after inoculation. SP204(1-1) was generally well tolerated. Symptoms reported most often within 5 days of inoculation were nasal congestion (36%), headache (30%), and sore throat (19%). The strain was detected by culturing in 98% of subjects. A single dose of azithromycin eliminated colonization in 95% of subjects; all subjects receiving a 5-day course of an antibiotic showed clearance by day 11. Without the antibiotic, 82% of subjects showed spontaneous eradication of the implanted strain within 7 days, and all showed clearance by 35 days. The results of these clinical trials provide encouragement that the use of S. gordonii as a live mucosal vaccine vector is a feasible strategy.