Ballistic electron emission microscopy ͑BEEM͒ has been used to study metal-oxide-semiconductor ͑MOS͒ structures such as Au/SiO 2 /n-type Si͑100͒ and Ir/SiO 2 /n-type Si͑100͒, with the thin SiO 2 layer varying from 10 to 30 Å. As expected, the presence of a 30-Å oxide layer at the interface induces much higher electronic barriers than in the case of Schottky diodes. Samples with Au show a barrier height of ϳ4.1 eV, while those with Ir have a barrier as high as 5.6 eV. When the interface oxide-layer thickness is reduced to ϳ10 Å, the BEEM spectra behavior is different. For Au/SiO 2 /Si junctions, although a clear threshold is always observed around 4 eV, showing that a high barrier is already formed at these small thicknesses, a leakage current is often detected below this threshold. In the case of Ir/SiO 2 /Si structures, the BEEM spectra display an anomalous behavior. Below the high-energy threshold around 5.5-6 eV, a first threshold (ϳ1.5 eV) and a broad peak ͑ϳ4 eV͒ are observed. These structures could result from a resonant tunneling effect through the oxide layer. A striking result is also observed in the reverse BEEM ͑RBEEM͒ mode. In contrast to what is normally observed, where the RBEEM current is much weaker than the BEEM current, for these ultrathin barriers we find a broad peak at 4 eV with approximately the same intensity in RBEEM as in BEEM. ͓S0163-1829͑98͒06408-X͔ PHYSICAL REVIEW B 15 MARCH 1998-I VOLUME 57, NUMBER 11 57 0163-1829/98/57͑11͒/6623͑6͒/$15.00 6623