Effccts of thc rare-earth ions on some properties of a lithium-zinc fcrrite iiseci in high frequency arc described. A set of scvcn compounds with formula L i~~. a Z n~~. * F c~.~~j~. "~O~ where R = Yb, Er, Dy, Tb, Gd, Sni and Ce, werc prcparctf by the classical method. The obtained rcsults reveal that, by introducing a relatively small amount of RZO:~ instead of FczOa, an important modification of both the structiirc itrid thc propcrtics can be obtained. Curie point, magnetization, electrical resistivity, density, hardness arc affectcd by thcsc substitutions. The effects of rare-earth ions were cxplained both by thcir partial diffusion in the spiricl latticc and by the formation of the crystalline secondary phases on the grain boundarics. Dcnsification of the ceramic is attributable predominantly to thc rclative shrinkage during sintering.Lc travail montre les cffcts dcs ions de terre rare sur qiiclqiies paramittres d'nne ferrite dc Li-Zn utilisd dans la haute frkqucnce. Unc sdric des scpt compositions avcc la formule chimiquc L i l , . :~Z r i~~.~F c~.~~~~~. l ,~O~ (R E Yb, Er, Dy, Tb, Gd, Sm et Ce) a dtd prepardc par la rnkthodc classiquc. Les rksultants obtcnus moritrent qiie par l'introductioii dcs petitcs quantitds dc RzO3 dans le lieu dc Fc2O:i une important modification tant dc la st.ructiirc clue dcs propriktds on pent obtenir. La tcmperatiirc de Ciiric, I'aimantation, la rdsistance dlectriqiic ct densitd sont affectds. L'influcnce dcs ions de t,errc rare estc cxpliquk tant par l e u partiel diffusion (fans la rdscaii spincl quc par leur s6grdgation b la surfacc dcs cristarix coinmc phascs sccondaircs. La dcrisification du fcrritc cst atribud en principal a line relativc contraction pcndarit lc frittagc.