Children's behavior during standardized achievement testing was explored through a qualitative study of two kindergarten classrooms. The subjects were 36 kindergarten children (10 Black, 26 White; 17 males, 19 females). Data were collected through observations in the classrooms; interviews with children, teachers, and principals; and video taping of the children before, during, and after standardized achievement testing. Findings indicated an increase in behaviors reported to be stress related during the testing situation and a decrease in those behaviors following the testing period. Other frequently observed behaviors included copying and calling out answers during the administration of the test. In addition, the children frequently marked incorrect answers, although they could provide the correct answers orally. The attitude of the principals toward testing seemed to affect the testing situation. The principal who felt test scores were extremely important placed more emphasis on test performance. Children at this school engaged in more stress related behaviors than children in the school where the principal placed less emphasis on the importance of test scores. 3 teachers (Jensen & Chevalier, 1988), parents (Hyson, 1988), kindergartners (Burts et a l ., in press; Hyson, 1988) and preschool children (Hirsh-Pasek & Cone, 1989; Hyson, 1988). The move toward more inappropriate practices in early childhood programs and the call for more accountabi1ity in schools has also resulted in an increase in the use of standardized tests. The use of standardized tests with young children has been criticized for the following reasons: (a) they are said to be culturally, ethnically/racially, and socioeconomically (SES) biased (Popham, 1988); (b) a narrow range of skills is assessed; (c) the child's development is viewed in a compartmentalized fashion; (d) they require inappropriate responses; and (e) frequently, their scores are misused. For the above reasons, the most often criticized standardized test is the achievement test. Achievement tests require inappropriate responses, and the scores are often misused as the basis for educational decisions. Although much has been written about the misuse of standardized tests and their inappropriateness for use with young children, there is little empirical data to support this assertion (Elkind, 1981; Meisels, 1987; Neill & Medina, 1989). In light of this, the current literature suggests a need for investigation in the area of standardized testing and its effects on young children.