All of 320 layer groups, distributed into 80 clusters -single/double ordinary/gray groups -are used to complete systematization of linear (in all directions) band crossings and corresponding effective Hamiltonians in high-symmetry Brillouin zone points of layered materials, refining and expanding in literature existing data. Two-and four-dimensional effective Hamiltonians are determined by the allowed (half)integer (co)representations of the same dimension in the crossing point and one-or two-dimensional generic allowed representations. The resulting dispersion types (having isotropic or anisotropic form) are: single cone (with double degenerate crossing point and nondegenerate branches, or 4-fold degenerate crossing point with double degenerate conical branches), poppy-flower (4-fold degenerate crossing point with two pairs of non-degenerate mutually rotated conical branches), and a fortune teller (with nodal lines). Transition to double group, enabling to include spin-orbit interaction, results in various scenarios at high symmetry points: gap closing, gap opening, cone preserving, cone splitting etc. Analogously, analyzing ordinary to gray group transitions, the role of time reversal symmetry is clarified.