We reduplicate the Book "Dark Energy" by M. Li, X-D. Li, and Y. Wang, given zero-point energy calculation with an unexpected "length" added to the "width" of a graviton wave just prior to specifying the creation of "gravitons", using the Rosen and Israelit model of a nonsingular universe. In doing so we are in addition to obtaining a wavelength 10 30 times greater than Planck's length so we can calculate DE, may be able to with the help of the Rosen and Israelit model have a first approximation as to the arrow of time, and a universe with massive gravity. We have left the particulars of the nonsingular starting point undefined but state that the Rosen and Israelit model postulates initial temperatures of 10 −180 Kelvin and also a value of about Planck temperature, at 10 −3 centimeters radii value which may satisfy initial conditions asked by t'Hooft for describing an arrow of time. A key assumption is that the DE is formed at 10 −3 cm, after an expansion of 10 30 times in radii, from the Planck length radius nonsingular starting point. The given starting point for DE in this set of assumptions is where there is a change in the cosmic acceleration, to a zero value, according to Rosen and Israel, with time t = 1.31 times 10 −42 seconds. That may be where we may specify a potential magnitude, V, which has ties into inflaton physics. The particulars of the model from Rosen and Israelit allow a solution to be found, without discussion of where that nonsingular starting point came from, a point the author found in need of drastic remedies and fixes.