The distributed algorithm for a multicast connection set-up, based on the &cheapest insertion' heuristic, is reviewed. The multicast routing problem is translated into a Steiner tree problem in point-to-point networks where nodes have only a limited knowledge about the network. A solution is proposed in which the time complexity and the amount of information exchanged between network nodes are proportional to the number of members of the multicast group. The Steiner tree is constructed by means of a distributed table-passing algorithm. The analysis of the algorithm presented, backed up by simulation results, con"rms its superiority over the algorithm based on &waving technique'.
Scope and purposeMulticasting is a mechanism used in communication networks that allows distribution of information from a single source to multiple destinations. The problem of "nding a multicast connection for a static group of communicating entities in connection-oriented point-to-point network can be formulated in graph theory as a minimum Steiner tree problem. Due to NP-completeness of the Steiner tree problem multicast, routing algorithms are based on heuristics. The diversity of network environments and the lack of centralised information about network topology require an e!ective distribution of the multicast routing algorithms among the network nodes. This article presents an alternative to the distributed algorithm proposed by Rugelj and Klavzar that implements the same heuristics for the construction of a minimum cost multicast connection in point-to-point networks. The present algorithm constitutes a substantial improvement over that previously proposed with regard to running time and the amount of the information exchanged between network nodes.