From the study’s initial qualitative analysis, 10 latent variables and 22 indicators concerning digital citizenship skills (DCS) were used in a questionnaire on a sample of 506 Thai Business Computer Programme undergraduate students attending one of six regional Thai Rajabhat Universities. Goodness-of-fit and descriptive statistical analysis [mean, standard deviation, Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin index analysis and Bartlett’s test of sphericity were analysed by using SPSS® for Windows Version 21 and LISREL 9.10 for the second-order confirmatory factor analysis CFA. The results revealed that each student’s opinion on their DCSs had a ‘high agreement’ level. Moreover, importance ranking from high to low of the 10 primary indicators was each student’s footprint (1.00), cyberbullying (1.00), law (0.97), access (0.88), security (0.84), literacy (0.83), empathy (0.81), etiquette (0.80), collaboration (0.70) and thinking (0.65). Therefore, it is suggested that this study’s results be used to assist various agencies and ministries in building programmes for student digital citizenship skills.
Keywords: Digital skills education; student cyberbullying; student digital footprints; teaching digital literacy; Thailand