From the perspective of AdS/CFT the Pomeron is identified with a Reggeized Graviton, while the Odderons correspond to Reggeized anti-symmetric AdS 5 Kalb-Ramond tensorfields. In this paper, we consider the strong coupling expansion of the dimension of the leading twist operators dual to these Regge trajectories, ∆(j), to determine its analytic continuation in j beyond the diffusion limit. In particular, we compute the strong coupling expansion of the intercept to order λ −3 , where λ is the t'Hooft coupling, for both the Pomeron, which is C = +1 crossing-even, and the "Odderons", which are the leading C = −1 crossing-odd Regge singularities. We discuss the spectral curves of the class of single-trace operators to which these string modes couple.