It's become cliché to describe the ubiquity of computers in nearly every facet of modern society: how our telephones have orders of magnitude more computational power than the first integrated circuits that guided humans into space, how our thermostats and doorbells have become automated and controllable from anywhere with an Internet connection, how every year our cars better understand how to drive themselves.Computation has proliferated in applied biology as much as it has in daily life, and the myriad applications of computation to biology form the basis of this special issue of Trends in Biotechnology. Perhaps the most salient expression of contemporary computational biology is bioinformatics, in particular using computers to navigate the vast seas of data generated in the omics disciplines. Yuan and colleagues [1] review contemporary sequencing technologies, sometimes called next-generation or second-generation sequencing, as they are applied to the particularly tricky problem of crop genomics. Fraiture and colleagues [2] propose a workflow incorporating omics data and next-generation sequencing to detect genetic elements associated with genetically modified organisms in food and feed supplies, an especially timely idea as governments across the world grapple with whether and how to regulate genetically modified foods. Goh, Wang, and Wong [3] describe their perspective on avoiding and correcting 'batch effects', which can create artifactual conclusionsor mask biologically important onesin omics data gathered from different experiments that were (ostensibly) performed identically. Finally, a short article by Franceschi and colleagues [4] describes how certain amino acid sequences are correlated with protein toxicity and suggests that proteomics approaches can help to predict whether a newly engineered protein may pose health risks.One common theme to many of the articles in this issue is using cloud and Web computing to solve complicated biological problems, either as a distributed parallel computing platform or as a way to make bioinformatics workflows available to researchers and practitioners who don't necessarily have access to supercomputers. FoldIt (, a gamified and crowdsourced approach to understanding protein structures and structure-function relationships, was an early success in decentralized computing in biotechnology. Many cloud-based solutions in metabolomics and genomics have followed, as discussed in short articles by Warth and colleagues [5] and Celesti and colleagues [6].Beyond omics applications, computational approaches have been used to model biological systems on a wide range of scales, from single-molecule interactions to organism-wide metabolism. Fernández and Scott [7] give a thermodynamic rationale for apparently counterintuitive results in lead optimization in drug design and emphasize the need to model multi-body interactions to better understand how candidate drugs interact with target proteins. In addition, Yuan, Chan, and Hu [8] review the use of Web bro...