The phenomenon of da'wah today is developing so broadly and dynamically with the presence of information technology and the internet, that da'wah can be carried out in cyberspace. The second is to find a da'wah communication model through YouTube media . The theory used is the theory of Cognitive Dissonance from Festinger. The research method used was an explanatory survey method, with a sample of 216 people from YouTube viewers of Ustadz Abdul Somad's lectures whose subscribers numbered 2.31 million. Analysis used multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS IBM 25 software. Data was collected using a closed questionnaire. To complete the quantitative data interviews were conducted. The results showed that media factors, communicator credibility, and messages influenced the effectiveness of Ustadz Abdul Somad's da'wah communication, both in cognitive, affective and conative aspects. The model for the da'wah communication process through YouTube social media is as follows: In a state of dissonance (between actions and beliefs regarding Islamic teachings) people will seek information that can reduce or eliminate dissonance, selective exposure occurs, selective perception, selective memory, exposure occurs with UAS da'wah communication through YouTube social media (there is the influence of media factors, credibility, messages), resulting in changes in cognitive, affective and conative aspects, the cognitive system returns to a consistent or balanced condition.