The current study assessed the reliability and validity of the nonviolent work behavior (NVWB) scale with the help of three studies. Study 1 examined the factor structure of the scale using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Study 2 explored the internal consistency reliability, convergent, divergent, and predictive validity using different statistical estimates. It also examined the measurement invariance of the scale. Similar to the original scale, the EFA and CFA also yielded four factors: “NVT‐Stress,” “NVT‐Ability,” “NVT‐Constructive,” and “NVT‐Ignore.” The results also revealed adequate Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and McDonald's omega, which established the reliability of the scale. The positive correlation between NVWB and attitude to nonviolence scores confirmed the scale's convergent validity. It was also revealed that four dimensions of NVWB significantly predict relationship and task conflict. The validation of the scale was based on three independent studies conducted on three different samples.