Objective: This article aims to analyze the relationship between eco-innovation, sustainable awareness, environmental strategy, organizational performance and environmental impact, in the face of 210 respondents from Northeast Brazil.Methodology: The methodology used was a quantitative and descriptive research, through a survey applied to 210 respondents, analyzed using descriptive statistics, statistical tests and multiple linear regression.Originality: Original with respect to the constructs developed for the research, where three constructs (eco-innovation, sustainable awareness and organizational performance) were adapted from the literature and two (environmental strategy and environmental impact) were developed by the researchers, as it is a model that has no empirical validation in the studied environment (Northeast Brazil). Understanding the relationships between the constructs is relevant, which are paramount for companies, for reducing the environmental impact and consequently improving the quality of life of people and the planet.Results: The results show that the most important relationship occurred with the factors that influence the reduction of the environmental impact, which presents as predictors, issues associated with the environmental strategy to reduce the degradation of natural habitats and long-term sustainability.Theoretical Contributions: The study statistically validated the Constructs and scales of research, so this Framework can be used by other researchers, as well as contributing to the advancement of academic studies related to the researched themes.