“…Among the time-series studies, six (22%) simply visualized patterns from time-series plots [28,31,39,40,43,47], while the rest used a variety of statistical models. Eight (30%) used general linear models (i.e., simple and multiple linear regressions) [27,32,34,35,38,41,44,45], eight (30%) used generalized linear models (e.g., quasi-poisson/poisson models and distributed lag nonlinear models) [15,19,22,25,33,36,42], two (7%) used autoregressive models (i.e., autoregressive integrated moving average models and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models) [37,44], two (7%) used wavelet analysis [16,20], and four (15%) used other kinds of models (i.e., general additive model [14,15], spectral analysis [18], dynamic linear model [16], and transfer entropy [46]). The temporal resolutions used in the time-series studies were daily (19%, 5/27), weekly (15%, 4/27), monthly (63%, 17/27), and annual (7%, 2/27).…”