Zusammenfassungwere cooperative learning as well as strategies to improve the classroom climate (e.g. social rules, climate diagnostics). These strategies were taught in workshops attended by the teacher stuff of the participating schools. The teachers implemented the strategies in their regular classrooms and documented the implementation fidelity by a logbook. The intervention as well as the implementation was evaluated over a period of three years.The treatment efficacy was tested in a longitudinal study (3 assessment points) at 364 students from 8 schools with intervention and 198 students from 5 schools without intervention serving as control group. The targeted criteria in this evaluation were the development of social competence, social competence beliefs and class climate. Comparing the two groups the teacher-student-relationship decreased less drastically in the schools with intervention compared to the control group. Taking the teachers' documentation of the implementation fidelity into account results indicate that more frequent implementations of the strategies led to better development of the students' social competence, the teacher-student-relationship as well as student-student-relationship.Therefore, the results impressively demonstrate the relevance to assess the implementation fidelity in intervention trials. Data on implementation fidelity (exposure, adherence) enables more valid conclusions on the intervention's effectiveness. However, the project revealed difficulties to develop and to apply instruments to assess implementation fidelity, Therefore, in future research instruments for the evaluation of the implementation process have to be focused as well.iii
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