This article presents the findings of a qualitative study in a Flemish centre for children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders. The change with regard to the demand for care of this highly troubled population has created a need for intervention models that address students' socio-emotional needs. When preparing an organization to implement such intervention models, it is critical to obtain a thorough needs assessment or pre-implementation evaluation of staff in the organization. Fifty interviews with different staff members were performed, guided by three research questions: (1) How do staff perceive the children and youth cared for, including the behaviour, needs and demands of these youths?; (2) How do staff try to translate this demand for care into treatment, and what obstacles could possibly stand in the way?; and (3) What are, according to staff, critical issues to take into account when implementing EBP, both on the individual level and on the level of the organization? Using a grounded theory approach, the analysis resulted in a pre-implementation model. In the following article, this model will be discussed and illustrated with quotes of staff themselves.
Figure Click here to download high resolution image We examine how staff how staff reflect on youth's behavior and demand for care We examine how staff translate this into treatment We examine critical issues with regard to implementation of evidence based practice Using a grounded approach, the analysis resulted in a pre-implementation model Core elements are history, cooperation, target group and preconditions Please find enclosed a manuscript entitled: " Implementing evidence-supported methods in residential care and special education: a process-model " which I am re-submitting for exclusive consideration of publication as an article in Children and Youth Services Review.The study described in this manuscript shows interesting results with regard to how staff in care facilities perceive youth cared for, how they translate this into treatment, and what they mention as critical issues to take into account when implementing Evidence Based Practices. As such this paper should be of interest to a broad readership. I would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful and valuable feedback. Based is this feedback, following revisions were made to the original manuscript: -The appendix was deleted; information about interviewee characteristics is described in the text. Further, next to each quote in the 'results' part, extra information is given about the interviewee. E.g. Interview 46; male supervisor (suggestion of reviewer # 1) -As suggested by both the Editor-in-Chief and reviewer # 4, she manuscripts has been edited by a professional translator 'Dutch-English' -Based on the comments of reviewer #1, the title of the manuscript is revised.-Reviewer #1 asked whether the findings different for residential than for school? Or is this model applicable to both? Is that explicitly stated in this manuscript?In the 'concl...