“…As opposed to studies of ID children, eyewitness studies of ID adults have not employed MA or CA matches but rather comparison groups made of TD adults. These studies have found that, like children with mild ID, adults with mild ID do not provide as many details as do TD counterparts (Clarke, Prescott, & Milne, 2013; Milne, Clare, & Bull, 1999; Perlman, Ericson, Esses, & Isaacs, 1994; Ternes & Yuille, 2008). As for the accuracy of their statements, results have been mixed: Whereas some studies have found adults with mild ID to be as accurate as are TD counterparts in some or all parts of the interview (Perlman et al, 1994; Ternes & Yuille, 2008), others have found them to be less accurate (Clarke et al, 2013; Milne et al, 1999).…”