“…For the materialist camp, matter is fundamental, gives rise to consciousness, which is local (in spacetime), emergent, a product of the structure of the mechanical brain, and finite (ends at death); evidence of and for the phenomenon is grounded in the physical structure of the brain, i.e., the neural correlates of consciousness, NCC, which can be assessed and accessed via neuroscience techniques and recordings. Moreover, the fourteen parapsychological data proposed by the post-materialist camp to account for consciousness are said, from the materialist camp, to either be illusions, phenomenon generated by the neural and chemical correlates of the brain, or scientifically untestable and unverifiable (Dennett,et al [20,23,34,36,37,(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56)(57)(58)(59)(60)). The post-materialist camp disagrees with this materialist account and posits that the neural correlates of the brain and neuroscience techniques cannot both discount the external occurrence of consciousness, as revealed by their contrast analysis problem, and account for the subjective nature of consciousness, i.e., the hard and binding problems of consciousness, which, for post-materialists, emanates from outside of the brain (van Lommel, et al [8,9,17,18]).…”