Forensic evaluations have advanced considerably with the development of specialized measures validated on forensic and correctional samples. Prior to this progress, such evaluations relied heavily on extrapolations from general psychological tests to crucial, legally relevant questions. Since then, decades of empirical work have produced forensic assessment instruments (FAIs) addressing psycholegal standards in addition to forensically relevant instruments (FRIs) examining issues central to forensic practice (e.g., malingering) but not the standards themselves. This article provides a critical examination of the development, validation, and modern applications of six published FAIs that each address one of three broad criminal forensic issues (i.e., insanity, competency to stand trial, and Miranda abilities and waivers). Evaluations of the measures' reliability and validity particularly in forensic samples are highlighted. To complement FAIs, FRIs related to response styles are briefly explored. As a primary goal, forensic practitioners are provided with the knowledge and background about FAIs to enhance their criminal forensic practices.