In this paper we present improved results on the problem of counting triangles in edge streamed graphs. For graphs with m edges and at least T triangles, we show that an extra look over the stream yields a two-pass streaming algorithm that uses O(polylog(m)) space and outputs a (1 + ε) approximation of the number of triangles in the graph. This improves upon the two-pass streaming tester of Braverman, Ostrovsky and Vilenchik, ICALP 2013, which distinguishes between triangle-free graphs and graphs with at least T triangle using O( m T 1/3 ) space. Also, in terms of dependence on T , we show that more passes would not lead to a better space bound. In other words, we prove there is no constant pass streaming algorithm that distinguishes between triangle-free graphs from graphs with at least T triangles using O( m T 1/2+ρ ) space for any constant ρ ≥ 0.