The COVID-19 outbreak has affected the community in many aspects, especially healthcare workers as the frontline in COVID-19 treatment. The general objective of this research is to find out the characteristics of healthcare workers infected by COVID-19 in General Hospital Dr. Soetomo, by looking at the relation of healthcare workers' age, sex, occupation, and underlying medical condition with COVID-19 incidence. The collected data from 102 samples is taken using a questionnaire filled out by the healthcare workers of General Hospital Dr. Soetomo until July 2023. The collected data is processed, descriptively analyzed, and categorized based on the research variables as tables and graphics. The results of the study showed that the characteristics of healthcare workers with the most COVID-19 cases are 31-45 years old, female, the occupations at higher risk are doctor and nurse, medical disciplines in higher risk are anesthesiology and obstetrics & gynecology, and 26.5% of the infected respondents experienced reoccurrence. The number of COVID-19 cases among healthcare workers increased in 2021 despite the vaccination program by the government starting in 2021 but then decreased in 2022 and no cases in 2023. The number of cases among healthcare workers each year depends on the appearance of a new variant of the virus and the long-term effect of national vaccination coverage.