Analysis of the Development of the Economic Condition and Efficiency of the Privatization Process of Banks in the Czech RepublicBanks which underwent the privatization process in the Czech Republic, i.e. Česká Spořitelna, a.s., Československá Obchodní Banka, a.s., Investiční a Poštovní Banka, a.s., Komerční Banka, a.s., Živnostenská Banka, a.s., have been very widely discussed by both professional and lay public from several perspectives. Namely, what the actual economic condition of these banks was on the date of completion of the privatization, as well as the transfer of graded loans, or rather lowperforming assets, which the state took over and reimbursed to the banks through consolidation institutions (hereinafter CI), and all this obviously in relation to the purchase price obtained within the scope of privatization. The aim of this article, within the possibilities stipulated by its scope, is: 1) To analyse the development of the banks' economic condition in the time interval of 1990-2010;2) To identify factors that determine the volume of income from the sale of the state's investments in privatized banks;3) To confirm or refute the hypothesis that the bank rescues before the completion of the privatization process were excessive; 4) To analyse the overall balance of the privatization process, or rather the efficiency of the sale of the banks; 5) To test the practical applicability of the economic theories connected to the issue in question.With regard to the above, the article is structured in the following manner. Firstly, literary research of articles on the theme of The Privatization Of Commercial Banking in reputable economic impact magazines is processed. This is followed by the actual economic analysis of the privatized banks in the Czech Republic, where economic parameters are examined in an interval of approximately 20 years -total assets, costs, revenue, profit, capital adequacy, etc. The conclusion firstly evaluates the development of the economic condition, then identifies factors that determine the volume of income from privatization, the excessiveness of the banks' rescue, the overall balance of the privatization process, and the practical applicability of the economic theories in question.