21Metabarcoding of lake sediments may reveal current and past biodiversity, but little is known 22 about the degree to which taxa growing in the vegetation are represented in environmental DNA 23 (eDNA) records. We analysed composition of lake and catchment vegetation and vascular plant eDNA 24 at 11 lakes in northern Norway. Out of 489 records of taxa growing within 2 m from the lake shore, 25 17-49% (mean 31%) of the identifiable taxa recorded were detected with eDNA. Of the 217 eDNA 26 records, 73% and 12% matched taxa recorded in vegetation surveys within 2 m and up to about 50 m 27 away from the lakeshore, respectively, whereas 16% were not recorded in the vegetation surveys of 28 the same lake. The latter include taxa likely overlooked in the vegetation surveys or growing outside 29 the survey area. The percentages detected were 61, 47, 25, and 15 for dominant, common, scattered, 30 and rare taxa, respectively. Similar numbers for aquatic plants were 88, 88, 33 and 62%, respectively. 31 Detection rate and taxonomic resolution varied among plant families and functional groups with good 32 detection of e.g. Ericaceae, Roseaceae, deciduous trees, ferns, club mosses and aquatics. The 33 representation of terrestrial taxa in eDNA depends on both their distance from the sampling site and 34