“…In previous studies, the improvement in concept mastery was analyzed through the value of N-gain (Andriani, Sunyono and Abdurrahman 2018;Furqani, Feranie and Winarno 2018;Pratiwi, Rochintaniawati and Agustin 2018;Wandari, Wijaya and Agustin, 2018;Andanawarih, Diana and Amprasto 2019;Salsabila et al 2019;Sani, Rochintaniawati and Winarno 2019). The progress in concept mastery was also analyzed using ANOVA test (Satriawan, Liliasari and Setiawan 2019;Amalia et al 2020) and t-test (Setiawan, Sopandi and Hartati 2020). In this study, the author will explore the characteristics of increasing students' physics concept mastery using the Rasch model.…”