Let E ⊆ R n be a closed set of Hausdorff dimension α. For m ≥ n, let {B 1 , . . . , B k } be n × (m − n) matrices. We prove that if the system of matrices B j is non-degenerate in a suitable sense, α is sufficiently close to n, and if E supports a probability measure obeying appropriate dimensionality and Fourier decay conditions, then for a range of m depending on n and k, the set E contains a translate of a non-trivial k-point configuration {B 1 y, . . . , B k y}. As a consequence, we are able to establish existence of certain geometric configurations in Salem sets (such as parallelograms in R n and isosceles right triangles in R 2 ). This can be viewed as a multidimensional analogue of the result of [25] on 3-term arithmetic progressions in subsets of R.