11 1. Many prey species overlap in time and space and are hunted by the same predators. A common 12 anti-predator behaviour are evasive manoeuvres to escape an attacking predator. The escape-tactic 13 diversity hypothesis postulates that species-specific differences in evasive behaviour will increase 14 the overall unpredictability experienced by predators within a predator-prey community. 15Evolutionary, escape-tactic diversity would be driven by the enhanced predator protection for each 16 prey individual in the community. However, escape-tactic diversity could also be a functional 17 consequence of morphological differences that correlate with evasive capabilities. 18 2. Echolocating bats and eared moths are a textbook example of predator-prey interactions. Moths 19 exhibit evasive flight with diverse tactics; however, the variability of their evasive flight within 20and between species has never been quantified systematically. In addition, moth species show 21 variation in size, which correlates with their flight capability. 223. We recorded flight strength during tethered flight of eight sympatric moth species in response to 23 the same level of simulated bat predation. Our method allowed us to record kinematic parameters 24 that are correlated with evasive flight in a controlled way to investigate species-specific 25 differences in escape tactics. 26 4. We show species-specific and size-independent differences in both overall flight strength and 27 change of flight strength over time, confirming the escape-tactic diversity hypothesis for eared 28 moths. Additionally, we show strong inter-individual differences in evasive flight within some 29 species. This diversity in escape tactic between eared moths increases the overall unpredictability 30 of evasive flight experienced by bat predators, likely providing increased protection against 31 predatory bats for the single individual. 32 33 KEYWORDS 34 anti-predator behaviour, comparative analysis, escape-tactic diversity, last-ditch evasive flight, 35 Lepidoptera, mixed-species benefits 36 Georgiev for help with data collection, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt and Tobias Roth for statistical 388 advice, and Sue Anne Zollinger for comments on a previous version this manuscript. 389 390 FUNDING 391 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Emmy Noether research grant GO2029/2-1 to H.R.G.) 392 IMPRS for Organismal Biology (to T.H.) 393