Abstract. This study focuses on how aerosols, serving as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), affect the properties of the summertime diurnal precipitation under the weak synoptic weather regime over complex topography in Taiwan. Semi-realistic large-eddy simulations (LESs) were carried out using the vector vorticity equation model with high-resolution Taiwan topography (TaiwanVVM) and driven by idealized observational soundings. Since the aerosol effects on convection could be specific during different stages of the life cycle, we perform object-based tracking analyses, which diagnose both the spatial and temporal connectivity of convective systems, to highlight the convective clouds that are locked by topography and reduce the stochastic features of convection. The statistical analyses on the tracked extreme convective systems highlight the differences in structural characteristics of convection between the experiments with clean and normal CCN scenarios. For the orographic-locking regime, the effects of CCN on the diurnal precipitating systems are more significant. The precipitation initiation is postponed significantly, which prolongs the development of local circulation and convection. The occurrence of the cloud objects with extreme maximum rain rates doubles. Also, the P99 of the maximum rain rate and the maximum cloud size during the lifetime of the diurnal precipitating systems increase by 16.9 % and 6.7 %, respectively. This study demonstrates that the object-based tracking analyses of extreme precipitating systems are useful to investigate the responses of orographic-driven diurnal convection to CCN.