ABSTRACT. The lugworm Arenicola manna was studied in an observation aquarium; the typical undisturbed stroke frequency of the piston pump was f = 6 to 7 strokes min-' A new expenmental setup was used for direct measurement of volume flow at zero and different imposed back pressures. The back pressure charactenstic was a nonllnear function, the stroke frequency being reduced with increasing imposed back pressure, attaining a maximal pressure head of 20 cm H 2 0 , which is 30 to 150 times higher than previously found in filter-feedlng macro-invertebrate pumps. The back pressurevolume flow charactenst~c was modelled. At the (assumed) normal operation pressure (5 cm HzO) the power output from the 'standard' (0 5 g dry wt) lugworm pump was calculated to be P, = 12.6 pW. The respiration rate (R, p1 O2 h-') measured in lugivorms kept in glass tubes was dependent on the stroke frequency and correlated with dry weight ( W , g) according to R = a W b , where a = 344 and b = 0.64 at f = 7 strokes min-l. The total respiration of the 'standard' worm was R,,, = 232 p1 O 2 h-' = 1281 pW, and thus the overall pump efficiency was p = P,/R,,, = 1 % which suggests that the energy cost of pumping is modest (<5%) The volume of water pumped per m1 oxygen consumed was only 0 4 1 ml-' 0, which is > l 0 0 times lower than values previously found for true filter-feeders. This very low value shoxvs that it IS unlikely that the lug~vorm can live by filter-feeding.