Metalla-bis-dicarbollides, such as the cobalta-bisdicarbollide (COSAN) anion [Co(C 2 B 9 H 11) 2 ] À ,h ave attracted much attentioni nb iology but ad eep understanding of their interactions with cell components is stillm issing. For this purpose, we studied the interactions of COSANw ith the glucosem oiety,w hich is ubiquitous at biological interfaces. Octyl-glucopyranoside surfactant (C8G1) was chosena sa model as it self-assembles in water and creates ah ydrated glucose-covered interface. At low COSAN content and below the critical micellar concentration (CMC) of C8G1, COSAN binds to C8G1 monomers through the hydrophobic effect. Abovet he CMC of C8G1, COSAN adsorbs onto C8G1 micelles through the superchaotropic effect. At high COSAN concentrations, COSANd isrupts C8G1 micelles and the assemblies become similart oC OSAN micelles but with as mall amount of solubilized C8G1.T herefore, COSAN binds in a versatile way to C8G1 throughe ither the hydrophobic or superchaotropice ffect depending on their relative concentrations. Scheme1.Cobalt-bis-(dicarbollide) Co III [(C 2 B 9 H 11) 2 ] À (cis-rotamer;top)and octyl-glucopyranoside, C8G1(bottom).