The ECE kit is practical and has benefits in the lecture process for The Open University ECE Bachelor's study program, which aims to produce professional ECE teachers who can work globally. This research aims to see the results of implementing the ECE kit 2023 from the perspective of students as ECE kit users. This research is an ex-post facto research with 890 student participants who completed the ECE kit implementation questionnaire. The results of the research show that the use of the ECE kit can liven up the learning atmosphere in the classroom. The use of ECE kits as effective media in student teaching practice classes has an impact on learning outcomes. Most students who use ECE kits (52.4%) strongly agree that it is easier for students in their class to understand learning themes if they use ECE kits. Also, 60.1% of students strongly agreed that using ECE kits made students more enthusiastic—teaching practice students. Students in teaching student classes are motivated and enthusiastic about participating in learning with the APE in the ECE kit.
Keywords: early childhood education, learning kits, higher education students, open university
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