AcknowledgementThis brochure is based upon work from COST Action FA1105 BioGreenhouse, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). The authors wish to thank many colleagues for their contribution to this brochure and Ms. José Frederiks (Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture) for processing layout and printing.Link to the Action: and:
Correct citation of this document:Stanghellini, C., Baptista, F., Eriksson, E., Gilli, C., Giuffrida , F., Kempkes, F., Muñoz, P., Stepowska, A. , Montero,
DisclaimerThe information in this booklet is based on the expert opinions of the various authors. Neither they, nor their employers, can accept any responsibility for loss or damage occurring as a result of following the information contained in this booklet. Action on the same subject. Mid 2011 the proposal "Towards a sustainable and productive EU organic greenhouse horticulture", in short, BioGreenhouse, was submitted.At the end of 2011 COST approved this proposal as COST Action FA1105 (see Actions/fa/FA1105 and, which builds a network of experts working in the field of organic protected horticulture and aims to develop and to disseminate through coordinated international efforts, knowledge for new and improved production strategies, methods and technologies to support sustainable and productive organic greenhouse/protected horticulture in the EU. In total 27 participating COST countries and two COST Neighbouring countries took part in the Action.This Action offered the framework and funds for experts of the participating countries to meet and to work together in Working Groups concerning the objectives of the Action. The objectives related to climate and energy management where: an inventory of the use of fossil energy in the present organic greenhouse horticulture;to develop guidelines for the reduction of the use of primary energy in different regions; to join available information about reduction of energy use and improvement of productivity; and to evaluate the feasibility of substitutes of fossil energy.Nine experts from different regions worked together on this topic. They have addressed their task with commitment, by reviewing the regulations as they exist on energy use for heating and humidity control in the different regions in Europe; presenting strategies for reduction of energy requirement and to increase the productivity of energy; by reviewing the indirect use of energy and the options for replacement of fossil energy by renewable energy.Together they realised this booklet:"Sensible use of primary energy in organic greenhouse production" I believe this booklet will prove a unique source of information for all people and institutions involved in research in organic protected horticulture; for researchers, students, teachers, consultants and suppliers. This booklet could also serve also a starting point for developing strategies for a climate-neutral organic greenhouse ho...