Rhomboid intramembrane proteases occur throughout the kingdoms of life. In this issue of Genes & Development, Baxt and colleagues (pp. 1636-1646) report that the single proteolytic rhomboid (EhROM1) from Entamoeba histolytica cleaves cell surface galactose-binding or N-acetylgalactosamine-binding (Gal/Gal-NAc) lectins. EhROM1 and lectins colocalize during phagocytosis and receptor capping. EhROM1 is found at the base of the cap rather than in the cap proper, suggesting a role in receptor shedding and implying that EhROM1 is crucial for amoebal infection.Parasitic protists are fascinating organisms in their own right, with their typically complex life cycles, distinctive physiologies, and uncertain relationships. They are of immense practical interest as well; parasitic infections account for an enormous proportion of the disease burden on the human population worldwide. The debilitating and often lethal parasitic diseases remain among the most intractable infections and result in between 1.5 and 3 million deaths annually. The enormous costs resulting from lost productivity and caring for the millions who suffer from parasitic disease represent significant hurdles to economic development throughout the world, and these burdens tend to be the highest where the resources to bear them are the least. Advances in our understanding of parasites, such as how they initiate and maintain infections, therefore, have significant potential to improve human health and well-being worldwide.Among parasitic diseases, amoebiasis ranks second only to malaria in global morbidity, affecting vast numbers of people worldwide and killing some 100,000 annually (World Health Organization 1997). The causative agent of human amoebiasis, Entamoeba histolytica, faces many of the same challenges faced by other parasites when establishing infection. Baxt et al. (2008) detail the role of the single rhomboid intramembrane protease from E. histolytica in crucial parasite processes: phagocytosis and immune evasion.
The parasitic lifestyleParasitism poses common challenges to the diverse organisms that practice it. Parasites must first locate and enter a host. Next, in many cases, host tissues or cells must be invaded, requiring some means of attachment and introgression. The successful parasite usually establishes a long-term infection, and this potentially affords the host ample time to mount a vigorous immune response to the invader. In order to survive and reproduce while "dining at another's table," the parasite must somehow manage to evade host immune defenses that may act at several stages of the infection cycle. Broadly, extracellular parasites are subject to the humoral response, while intracellular stages are the target of cellular immunity.
Invasion and evasionStrategies for evading the host immune response are as complex and varied as the parasites that use them, and most parasites use several different strategies in the course of infection. Parasites may engage various responses to the host immune system (Zambrano-Villa et al. 2002). So...